How to Start Medicare Coverage
in 10 Steps
When to start

As you turn 65, The first day you can register for Medicare is 3 months before your birth month (e.g. May 23rd birthday can register after February 1st)
The final day you can register for Medicare is 3 months after your birth month (e.g. May 23rd birthday can register until August 31st)
If you miss your 7 month registration window, you can be penalized or have a waiting period.
Your Medicare policy will become effective on the 1st day of your birth month, or if delayed, the 1st of the next month (e.g. May 23rd birthday policy becomes effective May 1st)
What to do first
When you become eligible for Medicare, call or Email Holmes Harbor Insurance and John will get the ball rolling for you by sending you a Scope of Appointment (SOA) Email.
Once you receive your Scope of Appointment (SOA) Email from Do.Not.Reply@drs.com, you need to follow the instructions in the Email before Holmes Harbor Insurance can talk you through your coverage options.
Electronically sign a form
Go to SocialSecurity.gov and open an account. You'll finish 2 things with this account:
Social Security Statement
Apply for Medicare Part A & B
Once you've created your account at SocialSecurity.gov and you've completed the Medicare application, you'll receive your Benefit Verification letter showing your Medicare number and effective start date.

Have questions?
Need more information?
Schedule a telephone appointment with us to answer any questions and get you protected.
We look forward to speaking with you soon.

Get covered

You've got your Benefit Verification letter, your Medicare number and effective start date.
Next we'll review your medications. Prepare a list of your medications including:
We will also review your current doctors and specialists to make sure your Medicare provider can cover your current medical plans.
Schedule an appointment - Review the 3 options you have in coverage with John Potter - Medicare Advantage, Part D prescription coverage and Medicare Supplement.
Once your plan has been decided, you will receive an application from Do.Not.Reply@drs.com. They will be in 2 separate emails: 1 with a pass code and 1 with the application to sign electronically.