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Holmes Harbor Blog

How to Spot Medicare Fraud

John Potter

Woman upset she has been a victim of Medicare fraud
How to Spot Medicare Fraud

Phone scams are becoming more and more prevalent in today’s society and can be detrimental both financially and emotionally. With the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) becoming more common in our daily life we’re also seeing a rise in fraud, specifically phone scams. recently sent out an email providing users with 3 tips to help users prevent fraud:

  • If you get a call, text or email asking for your Medicare Number, don't respond. Don't give your Medicare card or Medicare Number to anyone except your doctor or people you know should have it.

  • Check your Medicare Summary Notices (MSNs) or claims statements carefully. If you see a charge for a service you didn't get or a product you didn't order, it may be fraud. If you suspect fraud, report it at 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227).

  • Guard your Medicare card like it's a credit card.

Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) is a website that was developed in conjunction with the Department of Health and Human Services in order to provide more resources for seniors to protect themselves against fraud, waste and abuse. SMP can help with any questions or concerns regarding potential fraud, check out their website here for more information. 

We here at Holmes Harbor Insurance help prevent fraud amongst our customers by following the guidelines set forth by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. One of the most important of which is that we will only ever call you after you have requested information from Holmes Harbor Insurance; this is one reason the Scope of Appointment email we send out is so important to receive prior to our scheduled appointment. 

To understand every step in the process of getting started with Medicare coverage, read “How to Start Medicare Coverage in 10 Step”.


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